
About Me

We are a family seeking to follow Gods direction for our family even if that means getting out of our comfort zone and doing something radical!

Monday, July 23, 2012


"... Love the Lord
and follow his plan for your life.
Cling to him and serve him enthusiastically."

Have you ever heard yourself say "I wish he'd just clue me into the plan"
Or "where's the book or directions for this situation?"
My favorite is " Just give me the burning bush"   (yep, I'm looking for the easy way)

I guess I tend to be pretty obedient (didn't say submissive, said obedient) but I still just want the answer then I'll work at coming to terms with what it is...

My type A personality (did I mention I have some control issues?)  wishes sometimes that I'd hear an audible voice saying...
"JAN,  Do this... NOT that..."  or  "JAN... listen close, memorize, and follow step by step". (lil bit of a pleaser)

Think about it... If we had a minute by minute guide... (OK truth here... I really like how that sounds.) Check off the list, X in the box, whatever it is to you, and move to the next direction. But if we had any clue what he really had for us I'm afraid we would run in the other direction as far and fast as we could run!!! (I know I would )

So how do we know this is Gods plan for us to add to our family?

---- Because my plan would not have had me buying diapers any longer than we already have. (21                        years... so far)

---- My plan would not have us being 68 and 60 when a child graduates from high school.

---- My plan would not include adding 3 more loads of laundry to my already 30.

But when God lays something on your heart, you just know! And when you try to avoid it or down right ignore it, he makes your heart so heavy you can't do anything but acknowledge it and say YES! I even tried to convince God to change the plan... (didn't work real well)

Anyone familiar with JONAH?

All I can say is we finally said YES! "YES, Whatever you have for us we will do".  And immediately we were both over come with a peace that cannot be explained.  When we made the call to Great Wall and said yes, "Yes, We will gladly go and would love to be this precious boys parents." The joy we felt was indescribable!!!

Faced with raising $32,000, and a mountain of paperwork, and mainly the "UNKNOWN," this is not normal... definitely not for a momma of 8, one medically fragile , one on the spectrum, 3 in college and a wedding to pay for. (Our oldest is engaged)

So I can say without a shadow of a doubt God is saying GO, and we have said YES!

Will you commit to praying for us? 
Will you join our team?
Will you be a part of this miracle?
Will you say yes?

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